How to Identify the Symptoms of Swine Flu H1N1 (Health and Lifestyle)


By Jennifer Kirkman

The first thing you may notice with the Swine Flu symptoms is that you will have a fever.Medical professionals have named the word fever, as pyrexia. A low grade fever may not necessarily mean that you do indeed, have Swine Flu. But if you are having some of these other symptoms in your body that I will continue to describe below, this could indicate the onset of the illness. Did you realize that part of the brain, the hypothalamus, is the temperature control system of our bodies? Therefore, it may be accompanied by chills you may have, along with very sore bones/and or muscles. Also, when the blood vessels vessels may be effected as well. This in turn, means that the heart may beat quicker then normal.

The second symptom that may stand out is coughing. The cough you are having may be really deep into the chest or not very bothersome. I have rwad that this Swine Flu seems to favor the lungs in a person. Along with a cough, you may also be experiencing a throat that feels as though you have a throat infection or strep. If you are feeling as though you have a throat accompanied by a cough, see your doctor for a throat and chest examination to determine exactly what is going on.

A third symptom you may be experiencing is a nauseated feeling and unable to hold your food down very well. You may also feel like running to the bathroom with diarrheal symptoms that can be very severe for some people and mild for others.

The fourth symptom you may or may not experience with Swine Flu is head pain that feels more like a migraine type of a headache. This again, is brought on by the blood vessels that are tight due to this illness. Since your body is working hard to rid itself of the Swine infection, this is a common part of the illness.

The fifth prominent symptom you may be feeling quite intensely is an exhaustion all over the body or an unrelenting fatigue. This fatigue may cause you the inability to function at all, along with feeling like just sleeping all the time.

And finally,the sixth symptom you may have all the time is vertigo. Vertigo is the medical terminology for a dizzy feeling in the body. If you don not usually have vertigo for another medical reason, it is definitely something you need to look into quickly, and especially if you are having these other classic symptomatologies I have mentioned here.

Jennifer Kirkman is the owner of many websites, two of the main ones are, and also Visit these sites for much more information on diabetes and diabetes problems, and proper nutrition.

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