Heading to Honduras

Those paying close attention might have noticed a new link in the upper right here, called Heading to Honduras.
That�s where I�m going in mid-January.
My partner and I both applied to Cuso International for volunteer work. I was offered a post in Ghana, she was offered one in Honduras. For assorted reasons, we picked Honduras, where she�ll be working with an NGO on communications, knowledge development and whatever else they need.
I�ll expect to find some way to volunteer down there, do some work for clients up here (if you need fast, sharp editing or writing, keep me in mind), write, paint and get really good at Spanish.
It�s the right time for us to make this change, and I�m looking forward to living in a new culture in Copan Ruinas.
I�ll write more about all this, and all the years of blogging/columning on events here.
Check out the link. And if you�re around Victoria, come on out to our farewell party Jan. 11 at the Garry Oak room at the Fairfield Community Centre, from 6 to 10 p.m. Music and fun. It�s also a fundraiser for Cuso and PEERS.

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